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» Carla Taddei de Castro Neves


Carla Taddei de Castro Neves is Assistant Professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in the Department of Clinical Analyses and Toxicology, School of Pharmaceutical Science and in the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities. She has PhD in Bacteriology, with a large experience in Clinical Microbiology. Her group is one of the first to work with metagenomics analysis of human intestinal microbiota in Brazil. Her lab is focused on Human Microbiota, using Next Sequencing Generation methodologies, studying the establishment, composition and host-response of intestinal, oral and vaginal microbiota in eubiosis and disbiosis situations. She has an extensive expertise in child intestinal microbiota establishment and composition. In addition, she is member of the scientific board at the Brazilian Society of Microbiology.




Phone number: +55 11 30919509

Last update 23/09/2016 às 14h49