Professors » Silvia Berlanga de Moraes Barros
Prof. Silvia Berlanga de Moraes Barros is at present Senior Professor of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo where she was a professor of General Pathology for undergraduate and of Toxicology for graduate Students. She is also fellow of the National Research Council Brazil. She received her Master in Analytical Toxicology in 1976 and PhD in Toxicology in 1980 from the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo. She successfully applied for Associate Professor in 1986 and was approved for Full Professor position in 1993. Prof. Barros has written 89 peer reviewed publications. She mentored 16 PhDs, 8 MSc students and 3 Posdoc. She leads several nationally funded research projects with a focus on oxidative stress mediated hepatotoxicity and more recently on the photoprotective and anticarcinogenic activity of natural products. Also she is involved in the development of alternative methods to animal experimentation for drugs and cosmetics safety evaluation and risk assessment. Dr. Barros is Associate Editor of Food and Chemical Toxicology, the Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Applied Research in Toxicology and take part of the Editorial Board of Current Opinion in Toxicology. She served as Director at IUTOX Executive Committee (2004-2010), Councilor of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (1993-1995), member of the ILSI-Brazil Scientific and Administrative Council (2004-2007) and Secretary-General (1990-1991and 2003-2004) and President (1992-1993) of the Brazilian Society of Toxicology. Elected as councilor of the Hispanic Organization of Toxicology (2014-2015). Dr. Barros directed a successful Workshop to train governmental, industrial and academic scientist in Latin America in the process of chemical risk assessment. Since 2012 she a member of the board of the Toxicology Education Foundation, elected for the membership committee SOTUSA (2015-2018), vice-president elected of the Hispanic Organization of Toxicology (2016), Member of the Board of the ITEHPEC ((Institute of Technology and Studies on Personal Care, Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics Products), member of the Scientific Committee of ILSI Brasil, adhoc member of the Education Committee SOT USA (2016-2018) and member of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Food Safety (until 2018).
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Last update 23/09/2016 às 15h11