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Professors » Ernani Pinto


Ernani Pinto is a professor of Toxicology at University of São Paulo (USP). He received his Ph.D. (2002) degree from Chemistry Institute - USP. He joined the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (USP) in 2003, where he has remained for his whole academic career. He was a visiting scientist in Sweden (University of Uppsala) and Germany (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) through STINT and CAPES-DAAD, respectively. He has particular expertise in environmental toxicology, analytical chemistry, toxins and peptides from cyanobacteria, chromatography and mass spectrometry to develop methods and analyze relevant metabolites from different biological matrices. Additionally, his research interests include aspects of metabolomics and proteomics involved in environmental toxicology.




Phone number: +55 11 30911505

Last update 23/09/2016 às 14h56