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Systems immunology approach for resolving the mechanisms of vaccine-induced classical swine fever protection

Coordenador(es): - Helder Takashi Imoto Nakaya

2020 - Atual

Systems immunology approach for resolving the mechanisms of vaccine-induced classical swine fever protection

Descrição: Classical Swine Fever (CSF) is a contagious, haemorrhagic and often fatal disease of Suidae, such as pigs and wild boar, caused by the classical swine fever virus (CSFV). CSFV is an enveloped, single stranded RNA virus that belongs to the Flaviviridae family (Moennig, 2000), distantly related for example to Zika and Yellow Fever virus. CSFV can be controlled by vaccination particularly using the C strain vaccine. The vaccine provides a rapid and complete protection of pigs against infection and also prevents viral transmission within 5 days of vaccination. The immunological signalling cascades behind the early protection afforded by C Strain are poorly understood, but precede the adaptive response, where IFN³+ CD8+ cells arrive before the detection of a virus neutralising antibody response. Interferon is a key component of how the innate immune system responds to challenge with CSFV. System Immunology approaches have been carried out in humans for example on the highly efficacious Yellow Fever vaccine. Deciphering the immune signalling pathways underpinning the effectiveness of the C strain vaccine can shape and optimise the next generation of marker and subunit vaccines well beyond CSFV as access to material including post-mortem tissues where required is not limited. Previous work has indicated a key role of the interferon system if stimulated prior to challenge. The team at UoS has already carried out studies further to the one mentioned above to characterise the action of CSFV C strain vaccine upon vaccination. In particular we have carried out one study sampling tonsils at various time points in the first 90 hours, comparing C-strain and a virulent challenge virus to baseline. Samples have been stored for subsequent analysis by deep sequencing, which will be carried out in 2019. For early 2020 another such study is planned into the design of which the team at USP will provide input. The project is specifically designed to foster the collaboration between Prof Nakaya's team at USP and Prof Steinbach's team in Surrey through collaborative visits in particular. The aim is to generate data in collaboration from which publications and further grant applications will be generated in the course of the project..

Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa.

Integrantes: Helder Takashi Imoto Nakaya - Coordenador / Falko Steinbach - Integrante.

Financiador(es): Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Auxílio financeiro.


Última atualização em 2024-01-15 11:54:00

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