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Food Science

Department of Food Science

The Food and Experimental Nutrition Department (FBA) is involved in the formation of human resources, relatively to graduation and post-graduation, as well as in the generation of services and knowledge in the chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, analysis, food and nutrition quality control and supervision areas. The Department has two post-graduation programs: Food Science, with two concentrations areas: Bromatology and Experimental Nutrition, with the highest CAPES concept (7), and the Applied Human Nutrition Interunits Program (PRONUT), which also involves the Faculty of Public Health; and Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accountancy. The Department also does intense research on the physical, chemical, biochemical, microbiological aspects applied to food and nutrition biochemistry. The FBA is the headquarters of the “Support Center for Research on Food and Nutrition,” which brings together 11 USP units and aims to strengthen the skills to develop innovative multidisciplinary research projects aimed at solving problems related to food and human nutrition ( It is also headquarters of the Food Research Center (FORC) of the new Centers of FAPESP’s Innovation and Diffusion Research, which aims in addressing global challenges in the food and nutrition area and to develop fundamental, strategic and applied research, benefiting the agribusiness, consumers, and also the policy makers and regulators agencies.

Last update 18/10/2017 às 18h16