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Requisition of Duplicate Diploma

To request a PhD. and MSc. Duplicate Diploma, the following doccuments must be presented:

1- Requisition for a Duplicate Diploma: It must be addressed to the School Director, properly signed by the requester and two withnesses, and explain the reason for the request. 

2- A public comprovation of loss of the Diploma, expedited at least 30 (thirty) days prior to the requisition (when the requisition is based on loss).

3- A copy of the Diploma (when the requisition is based on civil registry change)

4- A copy of the ID card (Brazilians) or RNE (Foreings).

5- Receipt of the Diploma Duplicate requisition fee. 


More information is available on Legal Resolutions USP No 5490/2008 and 5930/2011.

Last update 30/08/2019 às 12h58