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Title Equivalence

Attention: Title Equivalence refers to a Diploma recognition only within the scope of USP activities

To request title equivalence for a MSc. or PhD. (for titles awarded by foreign institutions), you must present:

1) Title Equivalence Requisition Form;
2) ID card;
3) Marriage Certificate (in case the Diploma has the birth name and the applicant has changed the name upon marriage);
4) Original Bachelor's Degree certificate with a visa from the Brazilian Consulate at the country where the Diploma was expedited; 
5) Original PhD. or MSc. Diploma with a visa from the Brazilian Consulate at the country where the Diploma was expedited; 
6) Graduate records of the PhD. or MSc. course with a visa from the Brazilian Consulate at the country where the Diploma was expedited; 
7) The final document of the Thesis/Dissertation defense, signed by all the members of the Thesis/Dissertation Committee; 
8) A copy of the PhD. Thesis or MSc. Dissertation, or any equivalent document.  

9) Any other document/information that might contribute to the process, such as the Institution classification in international rankings, specific characteristics and duration of the course, etc.


All the documents must be presented with a copy. 



Last update 30/08/2019 às 12h58