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Julio Orlando Tirapegui Toledo

Basic Profile
Associate Professor, MS-5, exclusively dedicated to education and research (RDIDP).
Experience in the area of nutrition and physical activity, with emphasis in Nutrition Biochemistry, developing research mainly on the following themes: nutrition, experimental nutrition, growth and development of experimental models, usage of foods, nutrients and ergogenic compounds in physical activities, athletes and experimental modules.

Academic background
- Bachelor degree in Biochemistry from Universidade do Chile (1973)
- Master degree in Science – General Physiology from ICB/USP (1980)
- Doctor degree in Sciences – General Physiology from ICB/ USP
- Post-doc from the University of London – England (1988)

Main research lines
Nutrition and physical activity, with emphasis on nutritional biochemistry, conducting research mainly on the following themes: nutrition, experimental nutrition, growth and development of experimental modules, usage of foods, nutrients and ergogenic compounds in physical activities, athletes and experimental models.

+ 55 11 3091-1491
+ 55 11 3091-3309

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Last atualization 27/11/2017 às 14h29