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V Escola de Inverno em Toxicologia (V Eitox)

Description: Lorena do Nascimento Pantaleão
N.USP: 6646172
Tel: 3091-2197
Email: lorenapantaleao@usp.br

Marc: Michel (02/12/15)
Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: Bloco 13A - Copa do Andar Superior
Start time: 08:00:00 - Monday 18 July 2016
Duration: 10 hours
End time: 18:00:00 - Monday 18 July 2016
Type: Internal
Created by: acadfcf
Last updated: 15:18:58 - Thursday 04 February 2016
Repeat type: Daily
Repeat end date: Friday 22 July 2016
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